The Hatchery. All fish are under anaesthetic throughout the process
Image 1 Unfertilised eggs from the female fish

Image 1 Extracting sperm from the male fish

Image 1 Mixing of eggs, sperm and fertilisation solution

Image 1 Fertilised eggs are placed in a ‘Zooga’ Jar where after 72 hours they hatch and are automatically transferred to the hatchery tank. The Zooga jar circulates the water and supplies the eggs with the vital oxygen required.

Image 1 Eggs in the Zooga Jars. Approx 200k eggs per Zooga.

Image 1

The first fry at 48 hours old. After living off their own egg sacks and then brine shrimp they are moved to the fry ponds at a week old to grow on. This time scale may vary according to weather conditions.

Fry Ponds
Image 1

This is the 1st outdoor stage for the new fry. Here they will stay for the next 4-6 weeks.
Where they will grow half to 1 inch in this time.

Growing on Ponds
Image 1 After the fry pond stage fish are introduced to the growing on pond at a density of 25,000 per acre to a depth of 4 feet the fish will then reside here for one summers growth.

Ghost Carp for Coarse fishery
Image 1 This is the typical growth size for one summer.
Fish are then harvested and graded for Winter

Image 1 One Summers growth of a heavily stocked Carp. They are then entered into a recycling system and grown over the Winter months.

Image 1 The fine specimens are born and bred on the
farm which make them ideal for a still waters
High levels of oxygen is a must.

Draining pond
Image 1 After Winter harvest ponds are drained, dried and sterilised for the following spring.